Simply to Understand: A Black Veil Brides Army call to arms(Setting the world on fire to the lies that are untrue about BVB)

This week I asked the BVB army through my twitter two questions on my behalf of What there thoughts were of ex-BVB haters and BVB converters? Plus I thought I would go into detail with this article and bust out all the misconceptions people have against BVB by me asking what the BVB army has dealt with in there stay as a BVB fan and there experiences with people who were of the judgmental or not open-minded about BVB’s music at all. I asked what were people’s misconceptions that they have faced? In this article as your about to read I did four days of research. With statistics and things measuring everything in the positive for BVB’s sake. So let’s get to business and let me explain to why I think BVB should be listened to ever young kid in the world, every adult, and the elderly. I will be stating the BVB army’s opinions at the end of my lengthy article and I would like to make a huge thank you to those who did give me an opinion on the matter cause “WE” are what made the BVB army why not give everyone a voice not just me the amateur journalist. -Mariah L.Hanna

Black Veil Brides has been deemed “One of the worlds most controversial” bands of the world. People have various misconceptions about them. I fell vulnerable for “Media Assholes” who wrote of the biased misconceptions that I am going to tackle in this article. I am glad I became a fan of the band sooner rather than later. Again I will bring up the “Lazy Ass syndrome” that some people posses nowadays by just judging a band by its looks and not listening to the lyrics and music of the band they just dissed. “ALL” bands fall under that bullshit the “Lazy Ass Syndrome” people who have internet access are these supposed “Keyboard Warriors” and sit there and troll bands message boards. There are search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Ask, and other generic search engines that with keyword searching a band’s name will lead you to anywhere the band is found on the internet. Its common sense people. I am fortunate enough to oblige to tell people who I wasn’t the “Average Ex-BVB hater”  I actually listened to four tracks. But I did fall victim of “Media Assholes” ones that are supposed to write truthful and neutral articles about any band they are writing about regardless if they have biased opinions on them or not. Well I got links to the asshole blogs about BVB and I for two years was on this transfixed notion they were this way quote on quote “Assholes” when truly they were these five incredibly kind natured soul men who may look like a sight for sore eyes in one persons eyes but an apple in the eye of others. As I will demonstrate to you the reader that simply “Lazy Ass Syndrome” can be cured by a little research or a little old-fashioned “Go see it for yourself” as in go to BVB’s concerts or a band you’re giving that “Ahhh what is this jumbo mess about?” thoughts. It doesn’t hurt to give things a “Second Chance or how many chances you will give it.” So let’s get to business shall we.

I will tackle “BVB is Gay, are Faggots, etc” misconception. How can you through a whole group of people under the bus when insulting and bullying men who are straight. There is a former member of BVB who is gay. Why infringed on her personal life and sexuality also. It’s a big insult. If it makes you “BVB hater” feel great about yourself that you just called music “Gay” when music is not human but made by humans or nature when clearly its an organic made substance made through sound waves that generate noise in decibels through PA systems/headphones that drives people nuts cause “We” can’t live without music. So calling music “Gay, Faggoty, etc only makes you look stupid. By the way I am huge LBGT supporter so what have you. “Faggots” mean many different things in different languages. I am not a meatball nor a cigarette. lol

Lets tackle the wannabe, poser, and ripoff misconception “Ulterior”. It has been known that BVB has attributed their looks from Motley Crue, KISS, LA Guns, W.A.S.P, Ratt, Billy Idol, Marilyn Manson, The Damned, Misfits, etc. What makes me “ROFLMFAO(Roll on the floor laughing my fucking ass off) is the lack of research people DONT do behind why BVB dresses in the fashion they do and the way they portray their music. I have read countless upon countless “KISS ripoff” “Motley Crue wannabes” etc in message boards when I study people’s trolling habits when a music media sites posts something about BVB that is of importance the trolls pour in with said comments plus with the occasional “BVB are faggots” as said above. Who doesn’t want to be like their idols in their own fashion and in their own style. BVB didn’t rip off any artist at all. Influenced much. “BVB haters” or people who don’t understand at all its purely “Them”, trademark and all. It’s who they are as people. Even some of the bands who they supposedly ripoff from are their friends and support BVB. Use your noggin before you look silly on the internet(A worldwide database that millions of people can gain access to your stupidity boo hoo BVB hater)

The whole BVB “Copies and pastes” their music from other bands misconception. In other words BVB DOES NOT STEAL MUSIC FROM SAID ARTIST’S SUCH AS AVENGED SEVENFOLD. There are laws that strictly prohibit such uncanny to do such thing. BVB are quite knowledgable musicians that have a “Jinxx: Classical man of the musical arts with a pinch of metal” ,”Jake: A shredder who knows how to metal or two”, “CC:Who just destroys things by just drumming” ,”Andy: the screamer who can sing like an angel” All of them have had musical training and education growing up. So how can five gifted men with musical talents think “Yeah lets steal from another artist and call it our own”, “NOT”. It tickles me pink when I read stupid blunt shit like that. Have your opinion but don’t make it so stupid that BVB steals from other musicians. Read their lyric books, Watch the Wretched and Divine making of documentary, and read the correct databases on the internet. Don’t trust some random asshole who says “Those faggots stole from Avenged Sevenfold.” I love both bands to be honest. Been a huge Avenged Sevenfold fan for nearly a decade. Listened to ALL their songs a million times. I am huge supporter of them. I am also a huge supporter of Black Veil Brides. So to put two bands at the mercy of unneeded drama when clearly they went on tour with each other is very fucking stupid. “Get a life” folks of BVB hater side.

The “BVB are assholes and dickheads and don’t care about their fans” misconception. This a big fat false. BVB wouldn’t be caring about their fan so much right now if they were in the studio making #BVB4. Plus I have read countless blogs postings, tweets, and interviews of the BVB guys appreciating and thanking the BVB army. I also have watched several meet and greet videos and to see their nice and kind nature towards their fans is breath-taking and very much-needed “Faith in humanity restoration”. All the stories, the tears that were and constantly shed, and the strength and inner power that BVB gives the BVB army is what is needed in life for people of all ages. BVB is one of those bands that whether you hate them or love them. They will always be their to help you. Yes you BVB HATER. I am a testament to that. So don’t sit their behind your computer screen and say “Won’t happen” It may or may not. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. I jinxxed myself. I told myself I WOULD NEVER become a BVB fan. Pfthahaha laughing at the stupid person I was two years ago. Their are other bands like BVB other that get similar hate but they will always be their if you need them. Open minds are a beautiful thing to have on this earth. I love to share joyful conversations with people who have them. The links I will provide down below are to debunk what I all said. BVB is a band that helps one find their true sense of self, inner strength, and love for who you are. They preach this through every lyric which gets deemed “Shit’ by BVB haters. How do you find “Rise up and celebrate your life” and “Never give in, Never back down” shitty. Not the case. So to wrap this up Andy, CC, Jinxx, Jake, and “Former”ALL care and love about their fans just as much as “We” the BVB army care and love about them.

The “They look satanic and look like they sacrifice goats” misconception. I try not to bring religion in ANY of my journalistic writings but I will touch up on my views on this in the most “Secular” fashion possible. Black Veil Brides came from a catholic term of a dumb down word that all the world knows by a “Nun”. A “Black Veiled Bride” is a woman who gives up all her connotations(sex, marriage to a man, etc) and marries the church in special ceremony. You get the picture now. Without bringing too much religion bs into this. I would like to exhibit some links down below a part from the misconception I debunked above to really tell you the hater or confused heated religious pissant that a band with a positive limelight for their fans is NOT satanic in nature. Satan to me comes in two forms. 1)mythical 2) religious form. BVB can’t be deemed satanic cause they aren’t mythical nor a religious form. By the way: Christwire is a satire asshole religious account that trolls people into thinking these sort of people are these monster people when really they are kind and caring individuals with hearts and feelings. One more thing to piss off the religious folks “LISTEN TO BLACK VEIL BRIDES AND HAIL SATAN,” Nothing like mocking the source of asshatery and ignorance.

The whole “Scene, Emo, Hot Topic Jewelry” misconception. BVB have been put into that category of “Scene”, “Emo” or “Hot Topic Jewelry” what is with the labeling nowadays. Why must people be put into a box and have written on it who they are. People should be an out of the box sorts. Unique, different, nothing like that damn washing machine cycle. To put bands and people into groups or genres is silly to me. Just let music be “Free” like that damn song “Freebird”. Whether you are metal, metalcore, hardcore, punk, grindcore, glam metal, rock and roll, etc. “At the end of the day” it’s just music that we enjoy listening to. It’s what keeps us going through tough times and through good. So quit labeling people with that damn labeling machine or I will label you. Its only fair.

The “They are robots and don’t have feelings” misconception. Yes they are human. Humans have feelings so their for BVB and their members do have hearts again. The bullying of calling them garbage, shit, assholes, dicks, douchebags, and whatever it is really has to be annoying and hurtful at times. I would hate to work so hard for something and be called those names. So “GIVE IT A BREAK FOLKS” put down the mobile device and computer. Go outside and breathe some sunshine. Plus apologizing goes a long way too. Actions speak louder than words.Being positive is better than a negative black hole of doom.

The misconceptions of BVB’s lyrics “Death, Suicide, etc”. I read from tons of kids on twitter that their parents think BVB’s music is satanic as said above and is making them have thoughts of depression, suicide, death, etc. When merely its the exactly opposite. BVB’s music is meant to help struggling teens, adults, and even elderly through everyday bullshit that isn’t right to go through. It concerns me that these parents to have “The lazy ass syndrome” of not looking up who BVB is by a simple keyword search. I even read a few times that these kids had their music and things by them taken away. I can only think about that scene in Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the wall” were all the kids are turned into robots and mush. These poor kids. I then think about the other music these kids parents kids taken away. Its like the 80’s all over again with the “Ferocious Fifteen” the way these parents are acting. With the way the internet has a loads of data to access this information for them to know what their kids are listening to. Education goes a long way and I am a “Pro self” educator. It’s very puzzling when there is all this access to the internet via community colleges, public libraries, and I have even seen homeless shelters with them to help people gain knowledge of how to use and run a computer for jobs and such. So all these parents have the “Lazy Ass Syndrome” indeed. I even seen a panhandler yesterday. He gave me more hope than all the parents who think BVB are this and that combined. He had a cardboard that said “Smile everyday like its something worth beautiful” People at that are panhandle a lot so he indeed made me smile. Haha I digress with this topic because it’s not worth my time talking about it. Its sad really when you take positive messages and think they are subliminal messages. The mere problem is a much bigger subject that is too touchy to get into. Like family issues and bullying matters. I am anti bullying and other things. So my thoughts and wishes go out to these teens, adults, and elderly that face tough battles everyday. I feel your pain. I easily understand. Never give in, Never back down.

I will conclude this article on some positive light. BVB has been their for me for a year and four months. I plan on being a fan for life. They struck a nerve in me so deep that it can’t be changed. I wrote this as mere of understanding to YOU the BVB hater, reader, non fan, fan, or curious bystander of what BVB is. It is simple. Google holds all the answers. Bing. Yahoo!. Ask?. Any generic search engine will do. Don’t become a “Lazy Ass Syndrome” person who become’s a “Take it to the next level” version of a “Keyboard Warrior troll” Listen to your heart and let your mind do the talking second. I did that when I let BVB have another try “A second chance” at you will and guess what happened. They came into my life as the BVB hater in me exited the door to never show her face again. Her ship has sailed to be long forgotten as BVB and the BVB army party on as they have successfully received a new shipmate for good. “Never give in, Never back down.”

Now it has come to the opinions that I have asked all week:

Question: What are your thoughts on ex-BVB haters and BVB converters?

Anyone can change. For good or bad. But I do love when people think for themselves and give things a fair chance- @MandyJames1979

You know you are my favorite ex-hater. 🙂 Seriously, it’s ok if people change their mind if it makes them happy-@dy_cinn

@1Purdy_Gurl Was happy knowing I transferred to the dark side. 

What are the biggest misconceptions you have heard about BVB?

I think the most common misconception of them of them would be their that their satanic? Or maybe that they are just ripoffs of Kiss? -@ReccaBVB

Probably that they are satanic which is not true also have heard someone say they are fake which is rather disturbing-@TheScaryElf

It always amuses me when people say their music is “Depressing” when BVB are all about strength, solidarity, and empowerment. Also that “They are asses and don’t care about their fans”-@MandyJames1979

Not an opinion on the matter but one BVB fan replied to me telling me: I thought that they were not gonna make it in the music business but they did so yeah-@brokengothkid21 ( Side note: this is sad really but I am glad to know “US” in the BVB army made them happen fair and square. Be proud of a little piece of knowing you helped BVB out in their dream, plus this goes for any band really) 

Some people just don’t listen to the lyrics-@BVBpinafan

That apparently they don’t care about their fans which is wrong because they do-@CourtPurdyBVB

I’ve heard people call Andy a “Marilyn Manson wannabe” and that BVB are a bunch of posers-@Kat_grab

Every time I show my friends a song, they always say “Oh they’re not what I expected, I it’d be about death.”-@BlackVeilVamp

You can’t even like a band without being labeled as “Scene” aka I smell shallow minded people-@beckikn0x 

Garbage, ridiculous make-up, hot topic jewelry, hahahaha All righty then!-@Livingveil (Side note: this was depicted to a screenshot I  got that was RT’d on the my twitter timeline and she responded with a quirky and awesome response. The BVB army never seizes to amaze me and makes me smile on how well you handle all the hate hence forth what your reading right now.) 

These are some awesome interviews I have read: Very comedic. 

The links to Youtube videos debunking that BVB are not assholes and important things on the matter:

The fun part of the statistics I found on Google and what an Average BVB hater said on a message board

-Google has about 823,000 hits for “BVB misconceptions”

-Google has about 183,000 hits for “BVB conspiracy theories”

Black Veil Brides pretty much epitomizes generic music intended for dumb, uneducated, self-entitled kids. Said by a BVB hater (Well BVB hater you can have your cake and eat it too but I must pick a part your opinion 1) The kids are entitled to their opinion dumb dumb as you are too, 2) you contradicted yourself by saying dumb and or uneducated. 3) You don’t know what type of education they are receiving. 4) Get a life enough said.) 

Written by: Mariah L Hanna 4/5/2014 Copyright@PotatoBVBQueen

P.S. THIS article can be written for ALL bands. Don’t trust what you read out their unless it’s from the band or a bands PR or management company. Best of wishes. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.