
My name is Mariah L. Hanna. I am aspiring rock and roll journalist. I write medical pieces on the side. I plan on doing great things with this blog as you already not notice. I am huge music fan. I love to eat potatoes. LOL Like that isn’t noticeable. I like to help people. Am a Suicide Crisis Helper whenever I can help. I have a huge list of bands that I listen too. I hope your having a nice day. Have a potato on me. Best of wishes.

The US hotline to suicide prevention is: 1-800-273-8255, Trans line, 1-877-565-8860, 1-800-784-2433, other hotlines can be found in this website here: https://afsp.org

International Directories for Suicide Prevention Hotlines can be found through this site: http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

Rise up and celebrate your life, cause this man believes in you which in fact I had the humbled notion to learn he has read from this blog. So dreams do happen in small steps to bigger ones. Never be afraid to ask for help. Cause someone does care about you. Never give in. Never back down, Never.

=Black Veil Brides

The suicide sign. Held by Andy Biersack

The suicide sign. Held by Biersack “I believe in you”

Credit to above picture is to: carlitos_n on Instagram

Love, Mariah L. Hanna author and admin of “The Potato Queen” and always truly yours The Tater Queen

*Journalist note: Redacted “Former” has been removed from all of my articles due to allegations of sexual assault, rape, and other offenses. My blog isn’t a place of zero tolerance. I am sexual assault survivor. I stand in solidarity with the victims. I have left two of my meet and greet photos with “Former” up. If your a victim and you them down I will take them down. But for now they are up. Love and hugs. 💜

*Journalists Note: Please if you use one of my articles for your tumblr, twitter, etc. Use my twitter handle @PotatoBVBQueen in the copyright down below of every article or review for proper accreditation purposes. Don’t steal my words. Just borrow them properly. I do Google checks like no tomorrow. Would you like it if I stole your hard work. If you don’t. I will track your IP address. Go to your house in a gorilla suit. Steal your potatoes and potato made products. Issue you a ban slip from Potatoland for life. Ban you from all my social medias. I don’t tolerate stealing. 😉. Take care, have a nice day, and have a potato on me gracefully. ❤

8 responses

    • Thank you so much sweet potato. THIS means a lot and the world to me. YOU are amazing too. NEVER give in. ❤
      -Mariah L.Hanna

  1. Oh my gosh, we have the same last name. Kinda stalked your website and love it. Umm, it’d be so cool if we were related!!

    • I am so, so, sorry for not replying to this. I love that our last names the same. I am so happy you love my content. To be honest I was loosing hope in my writing cause I am chronically ill and things. This gives me little hope and inspiration. I am German/Canadian descendant. I wonder, Are you a BVB fan after reading all my content? But I consider you a sister from another mister or another mommy. Take care. Happy Holidays. -Mariah Hanna

      • I’m so glad my words made you a little more hopeful! I am German/Native American descendant. I’ve been a Fallen Angel since the end of 2012. Please, please, please don’t loose hope in all that you do here. Always remember that you reach more people than you know. Only so many people are comfortable commenting and responding to others on the internet. Keep on rockin! \m/

  2. Hey Maria!:3
    I love what you do & Im here supporting U & cheering you on always! Keep kickin ass & stay awesome girl!💫💜💜💜

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